“I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me”
God has a plan and purpose for every believer and He has given each person gifts to serve God, serve others, and build His kingdom. How we serve God on earth will determine the level and depth of intimacy we will experience with Him in Heaven and how we will serve God throughout eternity. The rewards Jesus spoke of will be given as we stand before the judgment seat of Christ. This judgment will occur following the rapture of the church. Jesus will graciously reward us for how our lives contributed to God’s kingdom. This booklet is meant to be an encouragement to spur believers to grow spiritually and to build up a heavenly account filled with rewards, crowns, inheritances, and promises for overcomers. There is still time to prepare for this very important future event, and to hear Jesus say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” If taken to heart and acted upon, this message can be life-changing with glorious and unimaginable eternal consequences. It has practical applications for our lives—right here, right now!