7 Key Truths
7 Key Truths
By: Robert C. Ewing & Glenn Ewing
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The Seven Key Truths that God revealed to us are the following:
- The Divine Order (Tabernacle) Truths – They show a picture of how Christ Himself came to fulfill all the Law and the Prophets in God’s Divine Order. This truths set a pattern for the individual (righteousness) and for the Church as a whole.
- The Rest Message – The Rest of Faith deals with appropriating the many promises while we rest in faith (Heb. 4:1).
- The Overcoming Truths – These are seen in Christ’s Life Pattern. One of the approaches to this is “The Seven Calls of the Spirit” in the life of Christ.
- The Calvary Message – Calvary’s seven covenants based on the seven sufferings seen in Isaiah chapter 53, and His benefits, as seen in Psalm 103:3-6.
- Dominion Message – Just as a policeman has legal dominion over his captive, so is this message (Gen. 1:26). We see authority in his badge, but he has to enforce it with his club – one is through authority, the other through ability.
- Threefold Salvation – For a Triune Creation.
- Justification (past tense due to new birth) gave us deliverance from the eternal penalty of sin (hell)
- Sanctification (mostly present tense, and deals with fellowship) delivers us from the power of sin on a daily basis
- Glorification ( “Now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.” Rom. 13:11) will deliver us from the presence of sin (2 Cor. 1:10).
Just as the Holiest of Holies of the Tabernacle can only be occupied by the High Priest, the spirit of man is its Holiest of Holies and can only be occupied by Christ, our High Priest. An unbeliever’s spirit is empty; when he feels that vacancy, he seeks in vain to fill it with pleasures. When this void is truly filled in the believer, the spirit is as “the foundation which remains sure,” Christ, the inner man that is born of God and cannot sin (1 Cor. 3:11 and 1 Jo. 3:9). The soul, unlike the spirit, can sin and is like the first room entering the Tabernacle. There is a daily work that must be done in it – one of “renewing.” Our soul is like this room, which housed three pieces of furniture, namely, the table that held the bread, the candlestick for the light, and the incense altar for the incense. The intellect holds God’s Bread, the will is to shine the light, and our emotions send forth sweet incense of worship from our heart. Keep in mind that the soul is a mental, social, and emotional being. While the spirit is God-conscious, the soul, by nature, is self-conscious or self-centered. Since we are made in the image of God and are all part of the human family, the soul is also sociable, and “others-conscious.” This is seen in how Adam longed for a “help meet for him,” and shows how important right relationships with others are for the soul. Sanctification makes it God-conscious as well, conforming it daily to Christ’s perfection. The body is world-conscious; it is the tabernacle that houses the spirit and the soul (2 Pet. 1:14). When a person understands the threefold salvation, past, present, and future, then he will understand otherwise seeming contradictions. For instance, 1 John states that “we shall be like Him” (3:2). Then, below that, and permeating through the rest of the chapter, it shows that we are being made like Him (3:2b-3). Later, in 4:17, God already considers us to be like Him. This is so because “as He is, so are we in this world.” One deals with our reborn spirit, justification; the next with sanctification of our soul; and the last with glorification of our body. Much more could be added here, but for the sake of the present theme we will go on the next truth.
- Dispensation Truths – The overall picture of time and its prophecies fulfilled. These truths reflect God’s progressive revelation of Himself to mankind. Following the Spirit’s guidance, one afternoon was spent dividing each of Paul’s “Church Epistles” into their various themes. It was discovered that these “Seven Key Truths” were contained in each epistle. They must be important. If His gospel is what we are to be judged by and established by (Rom. 2:16), then the Spirit should quicken these to us. We need to study them and seek the Spirit’s revelation of them, just as a student would before his final exam in college.