All classes, other than Grades 1-5, will be starting promptly at 10:00 AM. All Nursery to Grades 1-5 classes are every week with Grades 1-5 starting at 10:30 AM. Grades 6-8 and Youth Cafe are every other week. If you wish to keep your children with you during the service instead, you’re more than welcome to do so. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 519-438-6005 or email

Please choose a ministry below


Who We Are and What We Do: For our ages 2 and under, we provide supervision and entertainment to keep them busy! This can range from playing with toys, being read to, and other fun activities.

Time: Our Nursery program occurs during the 10:00 AM service every Sunday.

Location: Second room on the left in our main hallway.

Drop off/Pick Up: Nursery children are checked in at the main church lobby. We ask you come no later than 9:45 AM to check in your children. Then please take your child/ren to the Nursery room. Immediately after the service, parents will pick their children up.


Who We Are and What We Do: For our ages 2 to 3, we provide supervision and entertainment to keep them busy! This can range from playing with toys, being read to, and other fun activities.

Time: Our Preschool program occurs during the 10:00 AM service every Sunday.

Location: First room on the left in our main hallway.

Drop off/Pick Up: Preschool children are checked in at the main church lobby. We ask you come no later than 9:45 AM to check in your children. Immediately after the service, parents will pick their children up.

Kinderchurch (ages 4-5)

Who We Are and What We Do: Our Kinderchurch volunteers provide your younger children with play time, bible stories and crafts.

Time: Our Kinderchurch program occurs during the 10:00 AM service every Sunday.

Location: First half of the meeting room.

Drop off/Pick Up: Kinderchurch children are checked in at the main church lobby. We ask you come no later than 9:45 AM to check in your children.

Grades 1 to 5

Who We Are and What We Do: Children experience what it means to be part of God’s family – loved by Him, built up and equipped to share his love and grace with others! A team of dedicated teachers lead songs, games, and lessons, in both whole and small group formats.

Time: Our grades 1-5 program occurs during the 10:00 AM service every Sunday.  The children are dismissed from the service at 10:30 AM.

Location: Upstairs in the chapel at 940 Dundas.

Drop off/Pick Up: Children in grades 1-5 are checked in at the main church lobby. We ask you come no later than 9:45 AM to check in your children.

Who We Are and What We Do: The Intermediate Sunday School Program ministers to Intermediate students (grade 6-8) with a vision to provide our young people with a solid foundation in the fundamentals of biblical education. The program runs over a three year period with each of the three years having a distinct focus. In Year 1 we focus on the Old Testament Scriptures providing students with a historical overview of the major characters and themes in the Old Testament. In Year 2 we focus on the New Testament Scriptures providing students with a basic overview of the Gospels, the Message of Salvation, and the letters of the New Testament written to encourage and strengthen believers. In Year 3 our focus is on the Church, providing our students with an overview of what it is, how it’s structured, and our roles within it.

Time: The Intermediate Sunday School program runs during our 10:00 AM service every other Sunday, starting at 10:30 AM. You can expect for the program to end at the same time the service does.

Location: We meet on the 2nd floor of 920 Dundas (look for the yellow “Nine20 “sign at the front of the building).

Drop off/Pick Up: Children in grades 6-8 are checked in at the front door of the 920 Dundas location. We ask you come no later than 9:45 AM to check in your children. Once the service is over you’ll be able to pick them up at the same location.

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